I’m not new.
Neither is our website. KingsTeamInternational.com was launched in 2004.
We are approaching our 10th year in business, and it’s about time for a NEW look. So we’ve scrapped everything entirely but no worries. Lots of the new work I have been doing is going to be easily shared here on our new site, new set up, and new “space” on the web.
I thank all of the small business owners that used my services over the past 10 years, and hope to have delivered eye pleasing web design, to give your business an advantage in the marketplace over your competition. As a business owner myself, I often understand the needs of business owners. When I build a website my goal is always to deliver the vision of that owner; They let me know what they want to see on their website; and I make it happen.
Thank you again for your business over the past 10 years – and I look forward to doing Work, creating beautiful websites for more business owners into the future.
I also look forward to rolling out all the NEW pages for the website – thanks for visiting KingsTeamInternational.com