KingsteamInternational offering web design and business consultation services since 2004

New 2024 Website Updates: You Read Right

You read right, we are updating our website. It’s 2024 and to be frank, it was time. Currently underway at the time of me writing this. I want to welcome you all, to the new year. With every year almost everything gets better. We hope that you are also getting better, along with whatever business you are growing and/or operating. If you’re in need of good advice to improve your bottom line, do not wait to contact us today.

Let’s talk briefly about these 2024 updates. 

Yes, we did write about a well known ‘thing’ within the web developer community. Real web devs don’t update our websites, cause a lot of us don’t have time. We’re so busy maintaining websites for clients, looking for new clients, along with life itself. Life never stops for any of us, just as I’m sure, it hasn’t stopped for you.

Web Design services from - since 2004

Running a business comes with several challenges.

You could say that keeping your website updated when you’re the one who updates everyone else’s website falls into that category. It’s a challenge, one we’re seeking to overcome personally. As with everything the experiences we have from running a business is what helps us with helping others as well.

You’ll see we converted over to a mostly wordpress based website, with our last update. If you’ve been here for a while you’ll remember our original websites, which now live on the WayBackMachine … I’m glad ‘the internet’ decided to put that together as it does give us all a chance to ‘look back’ on what once was.

You’ll see we have come a long, long way, from where our website started, going on 20 years ago later this year!


This latest update will see us move our site almost entirely to our wordpress platform. Up until now we have still linked to more ‘traditional’ webpages.  One of the main differences between the two, is the difficulty of updating them. With traditional websitse, built ‘from the ground up’, we usually need to also build a CMS on a backend to help a client manage/update their website. The same is true for our own website(s).  Sometimes we have to get into the code and fix/change/update what ever is in need of fixing/changing/updating.

WordPress has continued to become a platform suitable for a wide range of businesses. Several websites people visit every day are running on wordpress and you probably wouldn’t know it. Most importantly, it’s not hard to learn how to update and manage your own website. As a business owner, this is a cost saving measure that can benefit you in the long run.

Instead of paying me for website maintenance, which I’m still more than happy to accept, you have another option. We can teach you how to manage and update your own website. *Our regular hourly rates will apply, but we do recommend at least 10 hours before going on your own. You can always book more hours if you need/want to learn more about managing your own wordpress site.

Once again, You read right, we’ll teach you how to manage your Own wordpress – Contact us today to book 5-10 hours


Updates on our website will be ongoing so please don’t mind the mess, should you see any. Looking forward to announcing a completed vision soon.  Thanks again, for stopping by. If you have any questions you’d like me to address feel free to leave a comment below.

** Images in this article along with some on our website were created with A.I. 

2 thoughts on “New 2024 Website Updates: You Read Right”

  1. Pingback: Using Wordpress As the CMS For Clients - KingsTeamInternational

  2. Pingback: Real Web Devs Don't Update Their Websites - KingsTeamInternational

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